H friends!Now WWW.MRXPERT.MOBIE.IN presenting you the great reliance talking service hack working perfectly in Andhra Pradesh,Maharashtra,Tamil Nadu TN,Gujarat,Karnataka,Delhi,Punjab ,,,,,.
To enjoy reliance talking service trick do the following step by step procedure:
Step 1:Call 51234863 and wait until you hear the sweet voice.
Step 2:After you heard the sweet voice,you may hear several options then after press option 2 for talking message service.
Step 3:Now the voice asks the confirmation from you,and wait for the confirmation.
Step 4:Once you get the confirmation message from them that your pack has been subscribed the again call 51234863.Now again hear the sweet voice.
Step 5:Now act accordingly requested on the call.
Validity:This has a lifetime validity until the Reliance Blocked it.
If you are facing error on during subscription (step 4) then try out this link http://www.rcom.co.in/Rcom/rworld/social/tms.html
Always make your balance as low as possible whenever you trying tricks on whatever network.{WWW.MRXPERT.MOBIE.IN}